My Korean Grammar 2 (Intermediate) / 알토란 한국어 문법 2 (중급)

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Author / 저자:
최권진, 송경옥
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Product Overview


This series of books is devised to provide grammatical elements for the learners who are eager to learn Korean grammar in a systematic and accurate way. This series can be used as reference for Korean grammar and as a self-teaching manual in the process of learning Korean as a second or foreign language, or as a book for preparing for TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean).

『알토란 한국어 문법2 중급(My Korean Grammar 2 Intermediate Level)』은 한국어 중급 학습에 필수적인 문법 항목 127 개를 선정하여 그 활용 형태와 의미를 예문과 함께 제시하였다. 규칙용언뿐만 아니라 불규칙 용언, 각종 활용표현과 탈락 등의 외국인들이 어려워하는 문법을 친절한 설명으로 이해도를 높여준다.

규칙용언뿐만 아니라 불규칙 용언, 각종 활용표현과 탈락 등의 외국인들이 어려워하는 문법을 설명하는 책. 한국어 중급 학습에 필수적인 문법 항목 127개를 선정하여 그 활용 형태와 의미를 예문과 함께 제시하고, 학습자가 문법 항목을 내재화할 수 있도록 연습 문항을 구안하였다. 한국어 중급 교육 과정의 문법 부교재, 자습서, TOPIK II 준비를 위한 대비서 등으로 활용할 수 있다.


1 간접화법(인용) indirect speech (quotation) 10
1) -(ㄴ/는)다고 하다 10
2) -(으/느)냐고 하다[묻다, 질문하다, 말하다] 16
3) -(으)라고 하다[말하다] 22
4) -자고 하다 28
2 -거나 or 34
3 -거든 if 37
4 -게 하다 have somebody do something 40
5 -고 말다 end up (doing); finally do 43
6 -고 보니 do and then (I) realize that... 45
7 -고 보면 if doing, then (you) will realize that ... 47
8 -고 해서 as [because] ... and so on 49
9 -고자 (in order to), with the intention of 51
10 -곤 하다 repeatedly do, quite often do 54
11 -기 마련이다 be no wonder 56
12 -기 십상이다 be given to do, be apt [likely] to do 58
13 -기(를) 바라다 (I) wish [hope] 60
14 -기는 하지만 (I) admit it, but 62
15 -기는요 not at all 65
16 -기만 하다 only do; do nothing but; only be 67
17 -기만 하면 whenever (I) do 69
18 -기에 as, because 71
19 -길래 as, because 74
20 까지 even; so [as] far as, to the extent of, to the limit 77
21 -나 보다/-(으)ㄴ가 보다 seem; it seems that...; I think that... 79
22 -나요?/-(으)ㄴ가요? is it...? does it...? 82
23 -느니 rather [than]; sooner... than... 85
24 -느라고 as a result of (doing), as, since 88
25 -는 길에 on one’s way, by using the opportunity of coming [going] 91
26 -는 김에 while one is at it; taking [availing] oneself of] this opportunity 94
27 -는 대로 as, like, just as, in accordance with, the same (as), in the way [manner] of 96
28 -는 대신에 instead of; in compensation for; though, on the contrary 99
29 -는 덕분에 thanks to, owing to 101
30 -는 데다가 in addition, moreover, besides 103
31 -는 둥 마는 둥 may or may not have done (with equal likelihood) 106
32 -는 바람에 as a consequence (of), as a result (of) 108
33 -는 반면에 on the other hand; whereas 110
34 -는 법이다 it is reasonable to (expect) 112
35 -는 셈 치다 suppose, assume, grant (that...) 114
36 -는 셈이다 if I consider it again, it is like [the same]... in the end; intend to (do) 116
37 -는 줄 알다/모르다 know; do not know 118
38 -는 중이다 be in progress, be going on, be underway 122
39 -는 척하다 pretend 124
40 -는 탓에 because, as 126
41 -는 통에 because, as 128
42 -는 편이다 I would say that it is... 130
43 -는 한 so [as] far as, to the limit that ...; unless 132
44 -는다고 해도 even though, even if, granting [supposing] that 134
45 -는다기에 I have heard that...; I was told that... 136
46 -는다면 if 138
47 -는데도 (al)though; notwithstanding; nevertheless 140
48 -다(가) 보니(까) While (doing), I realize [notice, find] that...; as, because, since 142
49 -다(가) 보면 While (doing), (I) will realize [notice, find, see] that... 144
50 -다가 while, as 146
51 -다가는 if (somebody continues doing) 149
52 -다시피 (하다) as, like 151
53 -더니 as it has been observed that...; ... and now [then]; ... but now [then]/ 153
as [because] (was)... now...
54 -더라고요 I remember and tell you that... 156
55 -더라도 even if, even though, admitting [granting] that, whatever may 158
56 -던 (something) that (I) used to (do); would do / 160
(something) that (I) was (doing)
57 -던 끝에 after 162
58 -던데(요) I remember that... 164
59 -도록 so that, in order to [that] / to the point [degree, extent] / till, until (a result) 166
60 -도록 하다 have [let] somebody do / order [tell, recommend] somebody to do 169
61 -든지 (either...) or 171
62 -듯이 like, as 173
63 마저 even, so[as] far as, up to 176
64 만 하다 to the extent of, as much [large] as 178
65 만에 after the lapse of (time); it is (time) since... 180
66 사동 접미사 causative suffixes 182
67 -아/어/여 가다/오다 gradually do, become grow 186
68 -아/어/여 내다 do all the way through, carry out 188
69 -아/어/여 대다 repeatedly [continuously] do 190
70 -아/어/여 두다/놓다 do and keep 191
71 -아/어/여 버리다 finish, get through, do completely 194
72 -아/어/여 보니(까) as I tried (to do), I find [have found] that...; because I did, I know that... 196
73 -아/어/여 있다 be, remain, keep doing 198
74 -아/어/여서 그런지 I wonder if it is because; maybe that is why 200
75 -아/어/여지다 become, grow 202
76 아무리 -아/어/여도 however (much); no matter how 204
77 -았/었/였더라면 if (I) had been [done]..., (I) could [would] have been [done]... 206
78 -았/었/였던 (I remember that it is something) which was 208
79 -았/었/였으면 if (I) did; if (I) had done / If (I) were 210
80 얼마나 -(으)ㄴ/는지 모르다 you do not know how much...; very much... 213
81 에 따르면 according to 215
82 에 비하여 compared with, in comparison with 217
83 -으나 마나 it is not necessary to do; there is no big difference whether you do it or not 219
84 -으려다가 (I) have a thought [will, desire] to do, but give it up and do something else 221
85 -으려던 참이다 be just about to do, be in the point [verge] of (doing) 223
86 으로 인해(서) due to, caused by, as a consequence (of) 225
87 으로서 as, for, in the capacity of 227
88 으로써 with; by, by means of, through 229
89 -은 나머지 (as) a result of, as a consequence of, driven by 231
90 -은 채(로) just as it is [stands]; with no change 234
91 은/는커녕 far from doing; instead; let alone 236
92 -을 것 같다 it seems that... 238
93 -을 겸 (해서) and also, in addition, concurrently 241
94 -을 듯하다 seem, appear, look (like) 244
95 -을 리가 없다 there is not a good reason [possibility] 246
96 -을 만큼/만큼 so... that...; so... as to; enough... to 249
97 -을 만하다 be (good) enough to do, be sufficient (do to) / 252
be well worth doing; be worth of; deserve
98 -을 모양이다 it seems [appears] that; it looks like; be likely to do 254
99 -을 법하다 have good reason to be [do]; it seems reasonable that; it seems likely that 257
100 -을 뻔하다 be near doing; just barely escape doing; almost, nearly 259
101 -을 뿐만 아니라 not only... but (also); both ... and ...; as well as 262
102 -을 뿐이다 nothing but, only / do only, be only 265
103 -을 수도 있다 possibly [probably] may 268
104 -을 수밖에 없다 there is no other way but to do; cannot help but do 270
105 -을 정도로 so... that; so... as to; enough... to 272
106 -을 지경이다 be on the extreme point [verge] of; be about to do 275
107 -을 텐데 I guess [expect] that... / I guess [expect] that..., but actually it is not 277
108 을/를 통해서 through , via, by means of 280
109 -을걸 그랬다 I should have done, I regret (that I did not) 282
110 -을걸(요) probably, maybe, I guess that... 284
111 -을까 말까 hesitate whether to do (or not) 286
112 -을까 봐(서) I am afraid, for fear that [of] / (I) think I will do, have an intention to do 288
113 -을까 싶다 want, feel like, would like to / for fear of [that], feeling concern for 291
114 -을까 하다 (I) think I will (do), have a mind to do 293
115 -을락 말락 하다 be on the point [verge] of doing, almost do; hesitate whether (or not) to do 295
116 -을래야 want to do, but cannot 297
117 -을수록 the more [less]..., the more [less] 299
118 -을지도 모르다 maybe, probably, I guess 302
119 이나 approximately; as much [many, long, far] as, no less [fewer] than, nearly/
something like, something such as/all, every; irrespective of
120 이나마 though, however, even 307
121 이라도 even 309
122 이야말로 this very one [thing, person]; (this) indeed, just 311
123 -자마자 as soon as, immediately after 312
124 조차 even, besides, in addition 315
125 -지 but, however, yet, though 317
126 치고 without exception, when it come to, as for, every 318
127 피동 접미사 passive suffixes 320
정답 Answer 325
어휘색인 Vocabulary 343


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