Miracle Learning Korean 3 / 기적의 한글 학습 3 - 개정판

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Author / 저자:
Choi Young-hwan
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Product Overview


A systematic Korean language learning program, "Miracle Learning" series, completed after empirical experience and scientific experiments by Choi Young-hwan, author of a long-time study of Hangeul education methods. It is designed so that each learning element can learn essential things from easy to difficult things efficiently with selected 35 learning programs and contents.

Instead of the existing method of learning the Korean alphabet, the method of learning the consonant syllables, which is the principle of creating Hunminjeongeum, was adopted to make learning Korean easier and faster. Research and analysis of the language acquisition process of a 4-year-old child is equipped with learning elements that make it easier and more fun for the child to learn, and the system is designed so that he or she can study on his or her own if the schedule is repeated.

It also provided a detailed "parent guidance" for the first time in the Korean language textbook for infants, making it easier and more systematic for mothers to complete their home schooling. Based on the principles of Hangeul, the "Miracle Learning" series consists of five books to help students learn Hangul easily and quickly.


1단계 기본모음 '아'(ㅏ,ㅑ,ㅓ,ㅕ,ㅗ,ㅛ,ㅜ,ㅠ,ㅡ,ㅣ)
2단계 기본자음 'ㄱ'(가,갸,거,겨...)
3단계 기본자음 'ㄴ'(나,냐,너,녀...)
4단계 기본자음 'ㄷ'(다,댜,더,뎌...)
5단계 기본자음 'ㄹ'(라,랴,러,려...)
6단계 기본자음 'ㅁ'(마,먀,머,며...)
7단계 기본자음 'ㅂ'(바,뱌,버,벼...)

8단계 기본 자음 'ㅅ'(사,샤,서,셔...)
9단계 기본 자음 'ㅈ'(자,쟈,저,져...)
10단계 기본 자음 'ㅊ'(차,챠,처,쳐...)
11단계 기본 자음 'ㅋ'(카,캬,커,켜...)
12단계 기본 자음 'ㅌ'(타,탸,터,텨...)
13단계 기본 자음 'ㅍ'(파,퍄,퍼,펴...)
14단계 기본 자음 'ㅎ'(하,햐,허,혀...)

15단계 - 기본 받침 ‘ㅇ’ (강, 방, 상, 장...)
16단계 - 기본 받침 ‘ㅁ’ (곰, 몸, 봄, 솜...)
17단계 - 기본 받침 ‘ㄹ’ (굴, 물, 불, 풀...)
18단계 - 기본 받침 ‘ㄴ’ (눈, 돈, 반, 손...)
19단계 - 기본 받침 ‘ㄱ’ (목, 벽, 죽, 턱...)
20단계 - 기본 받침 ‘ㅂ’ (답, 밥, 입, 탑...)
21단계 - 기본 받침 ‘ㅅ’ (맛, 못, 빗, 엿...)

22단계 - 복잡한 모음 ‘ㅐ’ (개, 배, 새, 해...)
23단계 - 복잡한 모음 ‘ㅔ’ (게, 네, 세, 체...)
24단계 - 복잡한 모음 ‘ㅟ’ (귀, 뒤, 위, 쥐...)
25단계 - 복잡한 모음 ‘ㅘ, ㅢ’ (과자, 기와, 의사, 유희...)
26단계 - 복잡한 모음 ‘ㅚ, ㅙ’ (쇠, 죄, 돼지, 횃뷸...)
27단계 - 복잡한 모음 ‘ㅝ, ㅞ’ (뭐, 병원, 훼방, 웬일...)
28단계 - 복잡한 모음 ‘ㅒ, ㅖ’ (얘, 걔, 예, 시계...)

29단계 - 쌍자음 ‘ㄲ’ (꾀, 깨, 꼬마, 꿈...)
30단계 - 쌍자음 ‘ㄸ’ (띠, 때, 떡, 딱지...)
31단계 - 쌍자음 ‘ㅃ’ (뼈, 뽀뽀, 빵, 뿔, ...)
32단계 - 쌍자음 ‘ㅆ’ (씨, 쓰다, 쌀, 눈썹...)
33단계 - 쌍자음 ‘ㅉ’ (짜다, 찌르다, 짹짹, 번쩍...)
34단계 - 한글을 예쁘게 쓰는 순서 1



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