Talk To Me In Korean Level 3

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Long tail Books
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Product Overview

『Talk To Me In Korean Level. 3』는 배운 즉시 실생활에서 써먹을 수 있도록, 딱딱한 문어체가 아닌 매일매일 사용되는 구어체에 초점이 맞추어져 있습니다. 다양한 구문은 물론이고, 단어와 단어, 문장과 문장을 연결하는 법까지 정복할 수 있습니다. 대화문, 퀴즈, 한국 생활에 관련된 읽을거리 등 다양한 내용을 담아, 학교나 학원에서 수업을 듣지 않고도 한국어를 재미있게 공부할 수 있도록 구성하였습니다.

Talk To Me In Korean has provided FREE Korean language learning content to learners around the globe since 2009, and with over 800 lessons published on the official website at, it has become the largest community in the world for Korean learners.
Talk To Me In Korean is the perfect study aid for Talk To Me In Korean lessons. Choose this book when it comes to learning Korean language. You’ll be glad you did.
Talk To Me In Korean Level 3 is the third book in the Talk To Me In Korean textbook series.


Talk To Me In Korean Level 3 is a Korean language learning textbook which introduces spoken style Korean sentences which can be used everyday in real life as soon as they are learned. The lessons are short, clear, and easily digestible without a teacher or formal lessons. Each lesson can be reviewed with the help of sample dialogues and quizzes.
If you learned fundamental structures and various essential grammar points with Levels 1 and 2, you will learn a subtle difference between the endings and usages in Level 3. You will also learn some commonly used basic sino-Korean words in addition to a handful of irregular verbs and how to conjugate and use them correctly.
This book has a set of MP3 files available for FREE download at which include all major vocabulary words, sample sentences, and dialogues used throughout the book. If you need additional review or supplemental material to practice what you have learned in the Level 3 book, please pick up a copy of the Talk To Me In Korean Level 3 Workbook!

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LESSON 1. Too much, Very / 너무
LESSON 2. Linking Verbs / -고
LESSON 3. In front of, Behind, Next to, On top of, Under / 앞에, 뒤에, 옆에, 위에, 밑에
LESSON 4. Shall we …?, I wonder … / -(으)ㄹ까요?
LESSON 5. Approximately, About / -쯤, 정도, 약
LESSON 6. Future Tense / -(으)ㄹ 거예요 vs -(으)ㄹ게요
LESSON 7. Linking Verbs / -아/어/여서
LESSON 8. To look like, To seem like (used with nouns) / - 같다
LESSON 9. To look like, To seem like (used with verbs) / -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것 같아요
LESSON 10. Before -ing / -기 전에
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LESSON 11. Irregulars: ㅂ / ㅂ 불규칙
LESSON 12. But still, Nevertheless / 그래도
LESSON 13. Making Adjectives (Part 1) / adjectives in infinitive form + -(으)ㄴ + 명사
LESSON 14. Making Adjectives (Part 2) / action verbs + -는 + 명사
LESSON 15. Well then, In that case, If so / 그러면, 그럼
LESSON 16. Let&s / -아/어/여요 (청유형)
LESSON 17. In order to, For the sake of / 위해, 위해서
LESSON 18. Nothing but, Only / -밖에 + 부정형
LESSON 19. After -ing / 다음에, 후에, 뒤에
LESSON 20. Even if, Even though / -아/어/여도
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LESSON 21. Linking Verbs / -는/은/ㄴ데
LESSON 22. Maybe I might … / -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요
LESSON 23. Word Builder 1 / 학(學)
LESSON 24. Irregulars: 르 / 르 불규칙
LESSON 25. Verb Ending / -네요
LESSON 26. Irregulars: ㄷ / ㄷ 불규칙
LESSON 27. Politeness Levels / 반말 and 존댓말
LESSON 28. &Let&s& in Casual Language / -자 (반말, 청유형)
LESSON 29. Irregulars: ㅅ / ㅅ 불규칙
LESSON 30. Word Builder 2 / 실(室)
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