Product Overview
영어, 도대체 어디서부터 어떻게 시작해야 할까?
영어 잘하기를 꿈꾸는 모든 사람들에게 꼭 필요한 책!
365일 매일 영어! 나도 영어 잘할 수 있다!
영어 잘하기를 꿈꾸는 모든 사람들에게 꼭 필요한 책!
365일 매일 영어! 나도 영어 잘할 수 있다!
단어만 알아도 상대방이 하는 말을 이해할 수 있고, 의사소통을 할 수 있다. 단어를 다양하게 알게 되면 소통의 폭은 훨씬 더 넓어진다. 〈영어독립단어〉 서비스는 영어 실력이 어떤 레벨이든, 자기 수준에 맞춰 실제로 쓰이는 영어 단어를 우선순위로 정리하여 단어를 더 효율적으로 습득할 수 있도록 돕는 영어학습 서비스이다.
《영어독립 365》는 〈영어독립단어〉 서비스를 이용하는 분들이 ‘영어 단어를 공부한 후에, 재미있게 영어를 매일 접할 수 있는 방법이 없을까?’라는 고민에서 시작해 영어독립단어 콘텐츠팀과 신미주 작가가 오랜 시간 함께 집필한 책이다.
이 책은 365일 동안 매일 다양한 영어 콘텐츠를 효율적이고 체계적으로 학습할 수 있도록 구성되었다. 평일에는 요일별로 각기 다른 섹션에서 단어, 문법, 독해를 아우르는 영어 학습을 제공하고, 주말에는 영어의 기본적인 동사와 전치사를 학습할 수 있게 한다. 영어 공부뿐만 아니라 학습 전반에 관한 동기부여가 되는 콘텐츠도 실려 있어 효율적인 공부법과 자기계발에 도움을 준다.
《영어독립 365》는 단순히 책을 읽고 끝내는 것이 아니라, 다양한 방식으로 영어를 공부할 수 있도록 〈영어독립〉 유튜브 채널에서 학습 콘텐츠를 제공한다. 책에 언급된 모든 영어 문장을 원어민 음성으로 들을 수 있고, 각 주마다 재생시간이 나누어져 학습 후 듣기 공부를 이어서 할 수 있다. 책을 다 보고 나서도 영어 공부를 지속할 수 있도록 여러 종류의 학습 콘텐츠를 〈영어독립〉 유튜브를 통해 꾸준히 제공할 예정이다.
《영어독립 365》는 〈영어독립단어〉 서비스를 이용하는 분들이 ‘영어 단어를 공부한 후에, 재미있게 영어를 매일 접할 수 있는 방법이 없을까?’라는 고민에서 시작해 영어독립단어 콘텐츠팀과 신미주 작가가 오랜 시간 함께 집필한 책이다.
이 책은 365일 동안 매일 다양한 영어 콘텐츠를 효율적이고 체계적으로 학습할 수 있도록 구성되었다. 평일에는 요일별로 각기 다른 섹션에서 단어, 문법, 독해를 아우르는 영어 학습을 제공하고, 주말에는 영어의 기본적인 동사와 전치사를 학습할 수 있게 한다. 영어 공부뿐만 아니라 학습 전반에 관한 동기부여가 되는 콘텐츠도 실려 있어 효율적인 공부법과 자기계발에 도움을 준다.
《영어독립 365》는 단순히 책을 읽고 끝내는 것이 아니라, 다양한 방식으로 영어를 공부할 수 있도록 〈영어독립〉 유튜브 채널에서 학습 콘텐츠를 제공한다. 책에 언급된 모든 영어 문장을 원어민 음성으로 들을 수 있고, 각 주마다 재생시간이 나누어져 학습 후 듣기 공부를 이어서 할 수 있다. 책을 다 보고 나서도 영어 공부를 지속할 수 있도록 여러 종류의 학습 콘텐츠를 〈영어독립〉 유튜브를 통해 꾸준히 제공할 예정이다.

책의 구성
활용 방법
Week 01 - Day 1 So many options, so little time.
Week 01 - Day 2 Inflammation
Week 01 - Day 3 Both A and B
Week 01 - Day 4 현재완료
Week 01 - Day 5 The Goose with the Golden Eggs
Week 01 - Weekend 우리가 영어를 여전히 못하는 이유
Week 02 - Day 1 This company has a toxic work culture.
Week 02 - Day 2 Grieve
Week 02 - Day 3 Connect with
Week 02 - Day 4 명령문
Week 02 - Day 5 The Wolf and the Crane
Week 02 - Weekend 주요 동사 01 : GET
Week 03 - Day 1 Better late than never.
Week 03 - Day 2 Confide
Week 03 - Day 3 Prefer A to B
Week 03 - Day 4 Aware of + 명사
Week 03 - Day 5 The Man and the Snake
Week 03 - Weekend 남이 아니라 자신을 위해 일하라
Week 04 - Day 1 The fire got out of control.
Week 04 - Day 2 Convince
Week 04 - Day 3 A as well as B
Week 04 - Day 4 Take a break
Week 04 - Day 5 The Lion and the Mouse
Week 04 - Weekend ‘진짜 일’에 몰입할 수 있는 1시간을 확보하라
Week 05 - Day 1 Let’s call it a day.
Week 05 - Day 2 Conflict
Week 05 - Day 3 Let’s get it over with!
Week 05 - Day 4 A lead to B
Week 05 - Day 5 The Swallow and the Other Birds
Week 05 - Weekend 주요 전치사 01 : IN
Week 06 - Day 1 You will miss the boat.
Week 06 - Day 2 Majority
Week 06 - Day 3 Either A or B / Neither A nor B
Week 06 - Day 4 Not only A but also B
Week 06 - Day 5 The Mountains in Labor
Week 06 - Weekend 아웃풋이 아니라 인풋을 관리하자!
Week 07 - Day 1 Put yourself in their shoes.
Week 07 - Day 2 Assert
Week 07 - Day 3 No longer
Week 07 - Day 4 Let A creep in
Week 07 - Day 5 The Wolf and the Kid
Week 07 - Weekend 주요 동사 02 : HAVE
Week 08 - Day 1 Speak of the devil.
Week 08 - Day 2 Persist
Week 08 - Day 3 Under the circumstances
Week 08 - Day 4 Want to avoid becoming A
Week 08 - Day 5 The Fox and the Mask
Week 08 - Weekend 집중이 안 되는 원인을 찾아보자
Week 09 - Day 1 You made it!
Week 09 - Day 2 Disposition
Week 09 - Day 3 Run out of
Week 09 - Day 4 Turn one's luck around
Week 09 - Day 5 The Snake and the File
Week 09 - Weekend 다시 출발점으로 돌아가자
Week 10 - Day 1 Give the cold shoulder
Week 10 - Day 2 Apparently
Week 10 - Day 3 Look into
Week 10 - Day 4 Result in
Week 10 - Day 5 The Bear and the Two Friends
Week 10 - Weekend 주요 전치사 02 : ON
Week 11 - Day 1 Be my guest.
Week 11 - Day 2 Bully
Week 11 - Day 3 Nothing but
Week 11 - Day 4 Alternative to
Week 11 - Day 5 The Boy and the Nuts
Week 11 - Weekend 당장 도움이 안 되어도 영어 공부를 해야 할까?
Week 12 - Day 1 Don’t beat around the bush.
Week 12 - Day 2 Earnest
Week 12 - Day 3 In spite of
Week 12 - Day 4 접속사 As
Week 12 - Day 5 The Frog and the Ox
Week 12 - Weekend 주요 동사 03 : TAKE
Week 13 - Day 1 I’m on my way.
Week 13 - Day 2 Wander
Week 13 - Day 3 Air grievances
Week 13 - Day 4 As a kid
Week 13 - Day 5 Belling the Cat
Week 13 - Weekend 외국어를 배워야 하는 진짜 이유
Week 14 - Day 1 Hang in there, things will get better soon.
Week 14 - Day 2 Justify
Week 14 - Day 3 As if
Week 14 - Day 4 Happen to
Week 14 - Day 5 The Fox and the Grapes
Week 14 - Weekend 언어 습득의 비밀
Week 15 - Day 1 Break a leg!
Week 15 - Day 2 Vague
Week 15 - Day 3 If only
Week 15 - Day 4 Shortsighted perspective
Week 15 - Day 5 The Fly and the Bull
Week 15 - Weekend 주요 전치사 03 : AT
Week 16 - Day 1 Going through a hard time
Week 16 - Day 2 Distinct
Week 16 - Day 3 Be동사 + going to
Week 16 - Day 4 Be dehydrated
Week 16 - Day 5 The Plane Tree
Week 16 - Weekend 기대하면 뇌는 반응한다
Week 17 - Day 1 Cannot stand
Week 17 - Day 2 Modest
Week 17 - Day 3 As much as I’d love to
Week 17 - Day 4 Increased to the point of
Week 17 - Day 5 The Oak and the Reeds
Week 17 - Weekend 주요 동사 04 : TURN
Week 18 - Day 1 Don’t get me wrong.
Week 18 - Day 2 Vulnerable
Week 18 - Day 3 Would ~ if ···
Week 18 - Day 4 Known for
Week 18 - Day 5 The Crow and the Pitcher
Week 18 - Weekend 어떻게 호기심을 자극할 수 있을까?
Week 19 - Day 1 It’s only a matter of time.
Week 19 - Day 2 Sophisticated
Week 19 - Day 3 Had + 과거분사
Week 19 - Day 4 Rather than
Week 19 - Day 5 The Wild Boar and the Fox
Week 19 - Weekend 시험은 아무 잘못이 없다
Week 20 - Day 1 Fight the enemy where they aren’t.
Week 20 - Day 2 Dwindle
Week 20 - Day 3 If I were you
Week 20 - Day 4 Observable shift
Week 20 - Day 5 The Heron
Week 20 - Weekend 주요 전치사 04 : OFF
Week 21 - Day 1 Suddenly everything became crystal clear.
Week 21 - Day 2 Navigate
Week 21 - Day 3 Boring vs Bored · Exciting vs Excited
Week 21 - Day 4 Do not let something cloud you
Week 21 - Day 5 The Stag and the Hunter
Week 21 - Weekend 우리에게 필요한 건 콩글리쉬
Week 22 - Day 1 I can’t afford a car.
Week 22 - Day 2 Prejudice
Week 22 - Day 3 Too A to B
Week 22 - Day 4 Test the limit
Week 22 - Day 5 The Fox and the Goat
Week 22 - Weekend 주요 동사 05 : PUT
Week 23 - Day 1 Now comes the hard part.
Week 23 - Day 2 Proceed
Week 23 - Day 3 The more / -er ~, the more / -er ~
Week 23 - Day 4 It is not until
Week 23 - Day 5 The Fox and the Leopard
Week 23 - Weekend 효율적으로 단어 외우기
Week 24 - Day 1 Don’t mess with him.
Week 24 - Day 2 Subsequent
Week 24 - Day 3 Everyone
Week 24 - Day 4 A is an important part of B
Week 24 - Day 5 The Frog and the Mouse
Week 24 - Weekend 단어를 공부해야 하는 이유
Week 25 - Day 1 I haven’t heard from you for decades.
Week 25 - Day 2 Adequate
Week 25 - Day 3 동사원형 -ing
Week 25 - Day 4 In the early days
Week 25 - Day 5 The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Week 25 - Weekend 주요 전치사 05 : TO
Week 26 - Day 1 Let’s start with the basics!
Week 26 - Day 2 Complacent
Week 26 - Day 3 Have / has + 과거분사
Week 26 - Day 4 As far in a day as
Week 26 - Day 5 The Mother and the Wolf
Week 26 - Weekend 무조건 외울 수밖에 없는 암기 꿀팁
Week 27 - Day 1 I passed the exam with flying colors.
Week 27 - Day 2 Marginal
Week 27 - Day 3 Make me ~
Week 27 - Day 4 Make a basic point
Week 27 - Day 5 The Rabbit and the Turtle
Week 27 - Weekend 주요 동사 06 : GIVE
Week 28 - Day 1 Under the weather
Week 28 - Day 2 Provocative
Week 28 - Day 3 Had better
Week 28 - Day 4 A match those of B
Week 28 - Day 5 The Dog and His Reflection
Week 28 - Weekend 재미있으면 더 잘 기억한다
Week 29 - Day 1 What if I was wrong?
Week 29 - Day 2 Recognize
Week 29 - Day 3 Look forward to
Week 29 - Day 4 As it can
Week 29 - Day 5 The Ant and the Dove
Week 29 - Weekend 15분 만에 똑똑해지는 방법
Week 30 - Day 1 Take advantage of the resources around you.
Week 30 - Day 2 Contemplate
Week 30 - Day 3 One
Week 30 - Day 4 Remain unanswered
Week 30 - Day 5 The Fisherman and the Little Fish
Week 30 - Weekend 주요 전치사 06 : OF
Week 31 - Day 1 Mind your own business.
Week 31 - Day 2 Accumulate
Week 31 - Day 3 Vicious circle
Week 31 - Day 4 Resonate
Week 31 - Day 5 The Young Crab and His Mother
Week 31 - Weekend 우리 뇌는 잘 때도 공부한다
Week 32 - Day 1 I lost my temper.
Week 32 - Day 2 Indecisive
Week 32 - Day 3 One of the + 최상급(most / -est) + 복수 명사
Week 32 - Day 4 Nurturing activity
Week 32 - Day 5 The Hare and His Ears
Week 32 - Weekend 주요 동사 07 : GO
Week 33 - Day 1 Have a change of heart
Week 33 - Day 2 Resolution
Week 33 - Day 3 The naked eye
Week 33 - Day 4 Which
Week 33 - Day 5 The Owl and the Grasshopper
Week 33 - Weekend 집중력을 길러주는 확실한 훈련
Week 34 - Day 1 You’re all set.
Week 34 - Day 2 Immune
Week 34 - Day 3 At the expense of
Week 34 - Day 4 Pile on
Week 34 - Day 5 The Wolf and the Donkey
Week 34 - Weekend ‘멀티태스킹’이라는 함정
Week 35 - Day 1 Don’t let negativity get the better of you.
Week 35 - Day 2 Retirement
Week 35 - Day 3 There is no way
Week 35 - Day 4 Trying to develop something
Week 35 - Day 5 The Oxen and the Wheels
Week 35 - Weekend 주요 전치사 07 : FOR
Week 36 - Day 1 There is an elephant in the room.
Week 36 - Day 2 Fabricate
Week 36 - Day 3 Couch potato
Week 36 - Day 4 Few / a few
Week 36 - Day 5 The Farmer and the Stork
Week 36 - Weekend 최고의 순간은 그냥 찾아오지 않는다
Week 37 - Day 1 Don’t make a fuss about it.
Week 37 - Day 2 Propensity
Week 37 - Day 3 At the risk of
Week 37 - Day 4 Gorging on
Week 37 - Day 5 The Sheep and the Pig
Week 37 - Weekend 주요 동사 08 : MAKE
Week 38 - Day 1 Don’t add fuel to the fire.
Week 38 - Day 2 Consistent
Week 38 - Day 3 Bear fruit
Week 38 - Day 4 Symbiosis
Week 38 - Day 5 Two Travelers and the Purse
Week 38 - Weekend 재미없는 일에서 재미를 만들 수 있다는 전문가의 조언
Week 39 - Day 1 Poke one’s nose into everything
Week 39 - Day 2 Stifle
Week 39 - Day 3 As a rule of thumb
Week 39 - Day 4 동명사
Week 39 - Day 5 The Lion and the Donkey
Week 39 - Weekend 자신의 ‘대표 강점’ 알아내는 확실한 방법
Week 40 - Day 1 I have a sweet tooth.
Week 40 - Day 2 Exacerbate
Week 40 - Day 3 At a loss for words
Week 40 - Day 4 A constitute B
Week 40 - Day 5 The Wolf and the Lion
Week 40 - Weekend 주요 전치사 08 : FROM
Week 41 - Day 1 I kept a straight face.
Week 41 - Day 2 Inevitable
Week 41 - Day 3 From the bottom of one’s heart
Week 41 - Day 4 Transition
Week 41 - Day 5 The Rat and the Elephant
Week 41 - Weekend 세상에 하나의 정답은 없다
Week 42 - Day 1 I fought a losing battle.
Week 42 - Day 2 Lament
Week 42 - Day 3 See red
Week 42 - Day 4 Connect the dots in life
Week 42 - Day 5 The Boys and the Frogs
Week 42 - Weekend 주요 동사 09 : LOOK
Week 43 - Day 1 Long story short
Week 43 - Day 2 Glance
Week 43 - Day 3 Turn one’s back on someone
Week 43 - Day 4 Reap the benefits
Week 43 - Day 5 The Ant and the Grasshopper
Week 43 - Weekend 핵심은 반복 경험이다
Week 44 - Day 1 See the light at the end of the tunnel
Week 44 - Day 2 Omit
Week 44 - Day 3 Something along those lines
Week 44 - Day 4 Weigh up to A
Week 44 - Day 5 The Donkey Carrying the Sacred Image
Week 44 - Weekend 인생은 습관으로 결정된다
Week 45 - Day 1 Let’s look on the bright side.
Week 45 - Day 2 Homogeneous
Week 45 - Day 3 Gray area
Week 45 - Day 4 The moment when one A
Week 45 - Day 5 A Raven and a Swan
Week 45 - Weekend 주요 전치사 09 : UP
Week 46 - Day 1 He is on the fence.
Week 46 - Day 2 Explicit
Week 46 - Day 3 Nothing to do with
Week 46 - Day 4 Companionship
Week 46 - Day 5 The Salt Merchant and His Donkey
Week 46 - Weekend 좋은 게임의 네 가지 요소
Week 47 - Day 1 Don’t take things at face value.
Week 47 - Day 2 Redundant
Week 47 - Day 3 Stumbling block
Week 47 - Day 4 Back up
Week 47 - Day 5 The Lion and the Mosquito
Week 47 - Weekend 주요 동사 10 : COME
Week 48 - Day 1 One has no choice but to A
Week 48 - Day 2 Tentative
Week 48 - Day 3 Follow suit
Week 48 - Day 4 Indigenous
Week 48 - Day 5 The Monkey and the Camel
Week 48 - Weekend 현재에 집중하게 해주는 세 가지 마음챙김
Week 49 - Day 1 Take it easy.
Week 49 - Day 2 Pioneer
Week 49 - Day 3 Make up one’s mind
Week 49 - Day 4 For the sake of A
Week 49 - Day 5 The Donkey, the Fox, and the Lion
Week 49 - Weekend 바보야, 문제는 시스템이야
Week 50 - Day 1 I’m falling behind.
Week 50 - Day 2 Discrepancy
Week 50 - Day 3 Cash cow
Week 50 - Day 4 Benefits and protections
Week 50 - Day 5 The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox
Week 50 - Weekend 주요 전치사 10 : DOWN
Week 51 - Day 1 It slipped my mind.
Week 51 - Day 2 Reciprocal
Week 51 - Day 3 Just around the corner
Week 51 - Day 4 At the speed of light
Week 51 - Day 5 The Rooster and the Jewel
Week 51 - Weekend ‘고통 없이는 성취도 없다’는 말의 불완전한 진실
Week 52 - Day 1 I can’t wrap my head around it.
Week 52 - Day 2 Inherent
Week 52 - Day 3 Bread and butter
Week 52 - Day 4 Catch red-handed
Week 52 - Day 5 The Leap at Rhodes
책의 구성
활용 방법
Week 01 - Day 1 So many options, so little time.
Week 01 - Day 2 Inflammation
Week 01 - Day 3 Both A and B
Week 01 - Day 4 현재완료
Week 01 - Day 5 The Goose with the Golden Eggs
Week 01 - Weekend 우리가 영어를 여전히 못하는 이유
Week 02 - Day 1 This company has a toxic work culture.
Week 02 - Day 2 Grieve
Week 02 - Day 3 Connect with
Week 02 - Day 4 명령문
Week 02 - Day 5 The Wolf and the Crane
Week 02 - Weekend 주요 동사 01 : GET
Week 03 - Day 1 Better late than never.
Week 03 - Day 2 Confide
Week 03 - Day 3 Prefer A to B
Week 03 - Day 4 Aware of + 명사
Week 03 - Day 5 The Man and the Snake
Week 03 - Weekend 남이 아니라 자신을 위해 일하라
Week 04 - Day 1 The fire got out of control.
Week 04 - Day 2 Convince
Week 04 - Day 3 A as well as B
Week 04 - Day 4 Take a break
Week 04 - Day 5 The Lion and the Mouse
Week 04 - Weekend ‘진짜 일’에 몰입할 수 있는 1시간을 확보하라
Week 05 - Day 1 Let’s call it a day.
Week 05 - Day 2 Conflict
Week 05 - Day 3 Let’s get it over with!
Week 05 - Day 4 A lead to B
Week 05 - Day 5 The Swallow and the Other Birds
Week 05 - Weekend 주요 전치사 01 : IN
Week 06 - Day 1 You will miss the boat.
Week 06 - Day 2 Majority
Week 06 - Day 3 Either A or B / Neither A nor B
Week 06 - Day 4 Not only A but also B
Week 06 - Day 5 The Mountains in Labor
Week 06 - Weekend 아웃풋이 아니라 인풋을 관리하자!
Week 07 - Day 1 Put yourself in their shoes.
Week 07 - Day 2 Assert
Week 07 - Day 3 No longer
Week 07 - Day 4 Let A creep in
Week 07 - Day 5 The Wolf and the Kid
Week 07 - Weekend 주요 동사 02 : HAVE
Week 08 - Day 1 Speak of the devil.
Week 08 - Day 2 Persist
Week 08 - Day 3 Under the circumstances
Week 08 - Day 4 Want to avoid becoming A
Week 08 - Day 5 The Fox and the Mask
Week 08 - Weekend 집중이 안 되는 원인을 찾아보자
Week 09 - Day 1 You made it!
Week 09 - Day 2 Disposition
Week 09 - Day 3 Run out of
Week 09 - Day 4 Turn one's luck around
Week 09 - Day 5 The Snake and the File
Week 09 - Weekend 다시 출발점으로 돌아가자
Week 10 - Day 1 Give the cold shoulder
Week 10 - Day 2 Apparently
Week 10 - Day 3 Look into
Week 10 - Day 4 Result in
Week 10 - Day 5 The Bear and the Two Friends
Week 10 - Weekend 주요 전치사 02 : ON
Week 11 - Day 1 Be my guest.
Week 11 - Day 2 Bully
Week 11 - Day 3 Nothing but
Week 11 - Day 4 Alternative to
Week 11 - Day 5 The Boy and the Nuts
Week 11 - Weekend 당장 도움이 안 되어도 영어 공부를 해야 할까?
Week 12 - Day 1 Don’t beat around the bush.
Week 12 - Day 2 Earnest
Week 12 - Day 3 In spite of
Week 12 - Day 4 접속사 As
Week 12 - Day 5 The Frog and the Ox
Week 12 - Weekend 주요 동사 03 : TAKE
Week 13 - Day 1 I’m on my way.
Week 13 - Day 2 Wander
Week 13 - Day 3 Air grievances
Week 13 - Day 4 As a kid
Week 13 - Day 5 Belling the Cat
Week 13 - Weekend 외국어를 배워야 하는 진짜 이유
Week 14 - Day 1 Hang in there, things will get better soon.
Week 14 - Day 2 Justify
Week 14 - Day 3 As if
Week 14 - Day 4 Happen to
Week 14 - Day 5 The Fox and the Grapes
Week 14 - Weekend 언어 습득의 비밀
Week 15 - Day 1 Break a leg!
Week 15 - Day 2 Vague
Week 15 - Day 3 If only
Week 15 - Day 4 Shortsighted perspective
Week 15 - Day 5 The Fly and the Bull
Week 15 - Weekend 주요 전치사 03 : AT
Week 16 - Day 1 Going through a hard time
Week 16 - Day 2 Distinct
Week 16 - Day 3 Be동사 + going to
Week 16 - Day 4 Be dehydrated
Week 16 - Day 5 The Plane Tree
Week 16 - Weekend 기대하면 뇌는 반응한다
Week 17 - Day 1 Cannot stand
Week 17 - Day 2 Modest
Week 17 - Day 3 As much as I’d love to
Week 17 - Day 4 Increased to the point of
Week 17 - Day 5 The Oak and the Reeds
Week 17 - Weekend 주요 동사 04 : TURN
Week 18 - Day 1 Don’t get me wrong.
Week 18 - Day 2 Vulnerable
Week 18 - Day 3 Would ~ if ···
Week 18 - Day 4 Known for
Week 18 - Day 5 The Crow and the Pitcher
Week 18 - Weekend 어떻게 호기심을 자극할 수 있을까?
Week 19 - Day 1 It’s only a matter of time.
Week 19 - Day 2 Sophisticated
Week 19 - Day 3 Had + 과거분사
Week 19 - Day 4 Rather than
Week 19 - Day 5 The Wild Boar and the Fox
Week 19 - Weekend 시험은 아무 잘못이 없다
Week 20 - Day 1 Fight the enemy where they aren’t.
Week 20 - Day 2 Dwindle
Week 20 - Day 3 If I were you
Week 20 - Day 4 Observable shift
Week 20 - Day 5 The Heron
Week 20 - Weekend 주요 전치사 04 : OFF
Week 21 - Day 1 Suddenly everything became crystal clear.
Week 21 - Day 2 Navigate
Week 21 - Day 3 Boring vs Bored · Exciting vs Excited
Week 21 - Day 4 Do not let something cloud you
Week 21 - Day 5 The Stag and the Hunter
Week 21 - Weekend 우리에게 필요한 건 콩글리쉬
Week 22 - Day 1 I can’t afford a car.
Week 22 - Day 2 Prejudice
Week 22 - Day 3 Too A to B
Week 22 - Day 4 Test the limit
Week 22 - Day 5 The Fox and the Goat
Week 22 - Weekend 주요 동사 05 : PUT
Week 23 - Day 1 Now comes the hard part.
Week 23 - Day 2 Proceed
Week 23 - Day 3 The more / -er ~, the more / -er ~
Week 23 - Day 4 It is not until
Week 23 - Day 5 The Fox and the Leopard
Week 23 - Weekend 효율적으로 단어 외우기
Week 24 - Day 1 Don’t mess with him.
Week 24 - Day 2 Subsequent
Week 24 - Day 3 Everyone
Week 24 - Day 4 A is an important part of B
Week 24 - Day 5 The Frog and the Mouse
Week 24 - Weekend 단어를 공부해야 하는 이유
Week 25 - Day 1 I haven’t heard from you for decades.
Week 25 - Day 2 Adequate
Week 25 - Day 3 동사원형 -ing
Week 25 - Day 4 In the early days
Week 25 - Day 5 The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Week 25 - Weekend 주요 전치사 05 : TO
Week 26 - Day 1 Let’s start with the basics!
Week 26 - Day 2 Complacent
Week 26 - Day 3 Have / has + 과거분사
Week 26 - Day 4 As far in a day as
Week 26 - Day 5 The Mother and the Wolf
Week 26 - Weekend 무조건 외울 수밖에 없는 암기 꿀팁
Week 27 - Day 1 I passed the exam with flying colors.
Week 27 - Day 2 Marginal
Week 27 - Day 3 Make me ~
Week 27 - Day 4 Make a basic point
Week 27 - Day 5 The Rabbit and the Turtle
Week 27 - Weekend 주요 동사 06 : GIVE
Week 28 - Day 1 Under the weather
Week 28 - Day 2 Provocative
Week 28 - Day 3 Had better
Week 28 - Day 4 A match those of B
Week 28 - Day 5 The Dog and His Reflection
Week 28 - Weekend 재미있으면 더 잘 기억한다
Week 29 - Day 1 What if I was wrong?
Week 29 - Day 2 Recognize
Week 29 - Day 3 Look forward to
Week 29 - Day 4 As it can
Week 29 - Day 5 The Ant and the Dove
Week 29 - Weekend 15분 만에 똑똑해지는 방법
Week 30 - Day 1 Take advantage of the resources around you.
Week 30 - Day 2 Contemplate
Week 30 - Day 3 One
Week 30 - Day 4 Remain unanswered
Week 30 - Day 5 The Fisherman and the Little Fish
Week 30 - Weekend 주요 전치사 06 : OF
Week 31 - Day 1 Mind your own business.
Week 31 - Day 2 Accumulate
Week 31 - Day 3 Vicious circle
Week 31 - Day 4 Resonate
Week 31 - Day 5 The Young Crab and His Mother
Week 31 - Weekend 우리 뇌는 잘 때도 공부한다
Week 32 - Day 1 I lost my temper.
Week 32 - Day 2 Indecisive
Week 32 - Day 3 One of the + 최상급(most / -est) + 복수 명사
Week 32 - Day 4 Nurturing activity
Week 32 - Day 5 The Hare and His Ears
Week 32 - Weekend 주요 동사 07 : GO
Week 33 - Day 1 Have a change of heart
Week 33 - Day 2 Resolution
Week 33 - Day 3 The naked eye
Week 33 - Day 4 Which
Week 33 - Day 5 The Owl and the Grasshopper
Week 33 - Weekend 집중력을 길러주는 확실한 훈련
Week 34 - Day 1 You’re all set.
Week 34 - Day 2 Immune
Week 34 - Day 3 At the expense of
Week 34 - Day 4 Pile on
Week 34 - Day 5 The Wolf and the Donkey
Week 34 - Weekend ‘멀티태스킹’이라는 함정
Week 35 - Day 1 Don’t let negativity get the better of you.
Week 35 - Day 2 Retirement
Week 35 - Day 3 There is no way
Week 35 - Day 4 Trying to develop something
Week 35 - Day 5 The Oxen and the Wheels
Week 35 - Weekend 주요 전치사 07 : FOR
Week 36 - Day 1 There is an elephant in the room.
Week 36 - Day 2 Fabricate
Week 36 - Day 3 Couch potato
Week 36 - Day 4 Few / a few
Week 36 - Day 5 The Farmer and the Stork
Week 36 - Weekend 최고의 순간은 그냥 찾아오지 않는다
Week 37 - Day 1 Don’t make a fuss about it.
Week 37 - Day 2 Propensity
Week 37 - Day 3 At the risk of
Week 37 - Day 4 Gorging on
Week 37 - Day 5 The Sheep and the Pig
Week 37 - Weekend 주요 동사 08 : MAKE
Week 38 - Day 1 Don’t add fuel to the fire.
Week 38 - Day 2 Consistent
Week 38 - Day 3 Bear fruit
Week 38 - Day 4 Symbiosis
Week 38 - Day 5 Two Travelers and the Purse
Week 38 - Weekend 재미없는 일에서 재미를 만들 수 있다는 전문가의 조언
Week 39 - Day 1 Poke one’s nose into everything
Week 39 - Day 2 Stifle
Week 39 - Day 3 As a rule of thumb
Week 39 - Day 4 동명사
Week 39 - Day 5 The Lion and the Donkey
Week 39 - Weekend 자신의 ‘대표 강점’ 알아내는 확실한 방법
Week 40 - Day 1 I have a sweet tooth.
Week 40 - Day 2 Exacerbate
Week 40 - Day 3 At a loss for words
Week 40 - Day 4 A constitute B
Week 40 - Day 5 The Wolf and the Lion
Week 40 - Weekend 주요 전치사 08 : FROM
Week 41 - Day 1 I kept a straight face.
Week 41 - Day 2 Inevitable
Week 41 - Day 3 From the bottom of one’s heart
Week 41 - Day 4 Transition
Week 41 - Day 5 The Rat and the Elephant
Week 41 - Weekend 세상에 하나의 정답은 없다
Week 42 - Day 1 I fought a losing battle.
Week 42 - Day 2 Lament
Week 42 - Day 3 See red
Week 42 - Day 4 Connect the dots in life
Week 42 - Day 5 The Boys and the Frogs
Week 42 - Weekend 주요 동사 09 : LOOK
Week 43 - Day 1 Long story short
Week 43 - Day 2 Glance
Week 43 - Day 3 Turn one’s back on someone
Week 43 - Day 4 Reap the benefits
Week 43 - Day 5 The Ant and the Grasshopper
Week 43 - Weekend 핵심은 반복 경험이다
Week 44 - Day 1 See the light at the end of the tunnel
Week 44 - Day 2 Omit
Week 44 - Day 3 Something along those lines
Week 44 - Day 4 Weigh up to A
Week 44 - Day 5 The Donkey Carrying the Sacred Image
Week 44 - Weekend 인생은 습관으로 결정된다
Week 45 - Day 1 Let’s look on the bright side.
Week 45 - Day 2 Homogeneous
Week 45 - Day 3 Gray area
Week 45 - Day 4 The moment when one A
Week 45 - Day 5 A Raven and a Swan
Week 45 - Weekend 주요 전치사 09 : UP
Week 46 - Day 1 He is on the fence.
Week 46 - Day 2 Explicit
Week 46 - Day 3 Nothing to do with
Week 46 - Day 4 Companionship
Week 46 - Day 5 The Salt Merchant and His Donkey
Week 46 - Weekend 좋은 게임의 네 가지 요소
Week 47 - Day 1 Don’t take things at face value.
Week 47 - Day 2 Redundant
Week 47 - Day 3 Stumbling block
Week 47 - Day 4 Back up
Week 47 - Day 5 The Lion and the Mosquito
Week 47 - Weekend 주요 동사 10 : COME
Week 48 - Day 1 One has no choice but to A
Week 48 - Day 2 Tentative
Week 48 - Day 3 Follow suit
Week 48 - Day 4 Indigenous
Week 48 - Day 5 The Monkey and the Camel
Week 48 - Weekend 현재에 집중하게 해주는 세 가지 마음챙김
Week 49 - Day 1 Take it easy.
Week 49 - Day 2 Pioneer
Week 49 - Day 3 Make up one’s mind
Week 49 - Day 4 For the sake of A
Week 49 - Day 5 The Donkey, the Fox, and the Lion
Week 49 - Weekend 바보야, 문제는 시스템이야
Week 50 - Day 1 I’m falling behind.
Week 50 - Day 2 Discrepancy
Week 50 - Day 3 Cash cow
Week 50 - Day 4 Benefits and protections
Week 50 - Day 5 The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox
Week 50 - Weekend 주요 전치사 10 : DOWN
Week 51 - Day 1 It slipped my mind.
Week 51 - Day 2 Reciprocal
Week 51 - Day 3 Just around the corner
Week 51 - Day 4 At the speed of light
Week 51 - Day 5 The Rooster and the Jewel
Week 51 - Weekend ‘고통 없이는 성취도 없다’는 말의 불완전한 진실
Week 52 - Day 1 I can’t wrap my head around it.
Week 52 - Day 2 Inherent
Week 52 - Day 3 Bread and butter
Week 52 - Day 4 Catch red-handed
Week 52 - Day 5 The Leap at Rhodes
Week 52 - Weekend 꾸준히, 제대로 한다면 반드시 통한다