2000 Essential Korean Words : for Intermediate

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Author / 저자:
Shin Hyeon-mi, Lee Hee-Jung, LeeSang-min
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Product Overview


2000 Korean words for intermediate learners and teachers who teach Korean as a second or foreign language. About 2,000 high-frequency vocabulary words were extracted and classified into 14 topics, and conversation sentences frequently used in real life related to the topic were presented as example sentences so that intermediate learners could learn essential vocabulary in one book

한국어를 제2언어 또는 외국어로 공부하는 중급 학습자들과 그 학습자들을 가르치는 교사들을 위한 어휘집. 2000여 개의 고빈도 어휘를 추출하여 14개의 주제로 분류하고, 주제와 관련된 실생활에서 자주 사용되는 대화문을 예문으로 제시하여 중급 학습자가 익혀야 할 필수 어휘를 한 권으로 학습할 수 있게 하였다.



머리말 Introduction 4
이 책의 구성 및 활용 6
How to use this book
01 인간 People.人.人間
1 감정 Emotions.感情.感情 16
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2 인지능력 Cognitive Ability.?知能力.認知能力 29
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3 의사소통 Communication.?通.コミュニケ?ション 41
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4 성격 Personality.性格.性格 49
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5 외모 Appearance.外貌.外見 58
6 인생 Life.人生.人生 61
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7 인간관계 Human Relationships.人??系.人間?係 68
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8 태도 Attitude.?度.態度 81
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 心 a mind.心.心 96
02 행동 Actions.行?.行動
1 손/발 관련 동작 Actions Using Hands/Feet.?手/脚相?的?作.手足にかかわる動作 98
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2 눈/코/입 관련 동작 Actions Using Eyes/Nose/Mouth.
?眼睛/鼻子/ 嘴相?的?作.目/鼻/口にかかわる動作 111
3 몸 관련 동작 Actions Using Body.?身?相?的?作.?にかかわる動作 116
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4 이동 Movement.移?.移動 120
5 준비/과정/결과 Preparation/Progress/Results.准?/?程/?果.準備/過程/結果 124
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6 피동 Passive.被?.受身 131
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7 사동 Causative.使?.使役 142
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 生 a life.生.生 152
03 성질/양 Quality/Quantity.性?/量.性質/量
1 상태 Condition.??.?態 154
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2 정도 Degree.程度.程度 167
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3 증감 Increase and Decrease.增?.?減 181
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4 수량/크기/범위 Amount/Size/Scope.?量/大小/范?. ?量/大きさ/範? 188
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 性 a character.性.性 202
04 지식/교육 Knowledge/Education. 知?/?育.知識/?育
1 학문 Studies.??.?問 204
2 연구/보고서 Research/Reports.?究/?告.?究/レポ?ト 210
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3 학교 생활 School Life.?校生活.?校生活 221
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4 수업/시험 Classes/Exams.??/考?.授業/テスト 233
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 敎 to teach.敎.? 243
05 의식주 Necessities of Life .衣食住.衣食住
1 의생활 Clothing.着?生活.衣生活 246
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2 식생활 Diet.?食生活.食生活 252
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3 요리 재료 Cooking Ingredients.料理材料.食材 259
4 조리 방법 Cooking Method.烹?方法.調理方法 263
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5 주거 생활 Residential Life.住居生活.住生活 268
6 주거 공간/생활용품 Residence/Daily Supplies.居住空?/生活用品. 住居空間/生活用品 275
7 집 주위 환경 Neighborhood .寓所周??境.家のまわりの環境 283
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 品 a thing.品.品 288
06 날씨/생활 Weather/Life.天?/生活.天?/生活
1 일기예보 Weather Forecast.天???.天?予報 290
2 여가 활동 Leisure Activities.休?活?.レジャ? 294
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3 문제/해결 Problems/Solutions.??/解?.問題/解決 304
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 用 to use.用.用 311
07 사회생활 Social Life.社?生活.社?生活
1 직장 생활 Life at Work.??生活.職場生活 314
2 구인/구직 Employment/Recruitment.雇人/求?. 求人/求職 326
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 會 to assemble.?.? 331
08 건강 Health ? 健康.健康
1 신체/건강 상태 Body/Physical Condition. 身?/健康??.身?/健康?態 334
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2 질병/증상 Illnesses/Symptoms.疾病/症?.病?/症? 341
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3 병원 Hospital.?院.病院 348
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 身 the body.身.身 354
09 자연/환경 Nature/Environment. 自然/?境.自然/環境
1 동식물 Animals and Plants.?植物.動植物 356
2 우주/지리 Universe/Geography.宇宙/地理.宇宙/地理 358
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3 재난/재해 Disasters.??/?害.災難/災害 365
4 환경문제 Environmental Issues.?境??.環境問題 370
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 氣 energy.?.? 374
10 국가/사회 Nation/Society.?家/ 社?.?家/社?
1 국가/정치 Nation/Politics.?家/政治.?家/政治 376
2 사회 현상/사회문제 Social Phenomenon/Social Issues.
社??象/社???.社?現象/社?問題 384
3 사회 활동 Social Activities.社?活?.社?活動 392
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 國 Country.?家.? 397
11 경제 Economy.??.??
1 경제 활동 Economic Activities.??活?.??活動 400
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2 생산/소비 Production/Consumption.生?/消?.生産/消費 406
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3 기업/경영 Business/Management.企?/??.企業/?? 414
4 금융/재무 Finance.金融/??.金融/財務 420
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 金 money.金.金 426
12 교통/통신 Traffic/Communication. 交通/通信.交通/通信
1 교통/운송 Traffic/Transportation.交通/??.交通/運送 428
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2 정보/통신 Information/Communication.信息/通信.情報/通信 437
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 機 machine.机.機 444
13 예술/문화 Art/Culture.??/文化.芸術/文化
1 예술/종교 Art/Religion.??/宗?.芸術/宗? 446
2 대중문화/대중매체 Pop Culture/Mass Media.大?文化/大?媒?.大衆文化/マスメディア 450
3 한국 문화/예절 Korean Culture/Etiquette.??文化/??.韓?文化/?節 457
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 文 a letter.文.文 463
14 기타 Etc..其?.その他
1 시간 표현 Time Expressions.??表?.時間表現 466
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2 부사 Adverbs.副?.副詞 480
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. Korean through Chinese Characters 期 a time.期.期 487
부록 Appendix.附?.付?
추가 어휘 Additional Vocabulary 490
. 동물 Animals.?物.動物 490
. 어패류 Fish and Shellfish.???.魚介類 491
. 곤충 Insects.昆?.昆? 491
. 채소류 Vegetables.蔬菜?.野菜類 492
. 신체 내부 기관 Organs.身??部器官.??の器官 493
. 얼굴 Face.?.顔 493
. 손발 Hands and Feet.手脚.手足 494
. 병원 Hospital.?院.病院 494
. 집 구조 House Layout.室??造.家の構造 494
. 가전제품 Home Appliances.家?制品.家電製品 494
. 욕실 용품 Bathroom Articles.浴室用品.お風呂用品 496
. 주방 용품 Kitchen Utensils & Appliances.?房用品.台所用品 497
. 한국 풍물 지도 The Map of Korean Institutions and Customs.
民俗地?.韓?の風物地? 498
. 단위 명사 Counting Units.?位名?.?位を表す名詞 499

피동사/사동사, 반의어/유의어, 접두사/접미사 목록
Passive Verbs/Causative Verbs, Antonyms/Synonyms, Prefixes/Suffixes 500
. 피동사/사동사 Passive Verbs.被??.受身動詞 / Causative Verbs.使??.使役動詞 500
. 반의어/유의어 Antonyms.反??.反?語 / Synonyms.近??.類義語 503
. 접두사/접미사 Prefixes.前?.接頭? / Suffixes.后?.接尾? 510

정답 Answers 517
색인 Index 521


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