2000 Essential Korean Words : for Beginners

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Product Overview


This book covers a total of approximately 2,000 words according to the following
criteria. Selected the vocabulary words appeared more than 3 textbooks from the
language institutes of nine universities and two private institutes on the basic first and second level Korean.

- The words organized into fourteen topics. The provided example sentences are
related to each topic focused on the example sentences used in textbooks and
practical sentences frequently used in everyday life
- Useful word translations in English, Chinese, and Japanese!
-The antonym, synonym, honorifi c form, low form, related word(s), and reference
word(s) are provided in order to widen the students' vocabulary.
- A review test similar with TOPIK with 'Let's Check'
- Through learning the Chinese characters, learners will be able to widen their vocabulary range.
- Accurately recorded entry words and example sentences with MP3 CD!


국내외 한국어 학습자들과 한국어 능력시험을 준비하는 한국어 학습자들을 위한 어휘 교재. 초급 한국어 학습 수준에서 필요한 약 2,000개의 어휘를 정리하여 주제별로 정리한 초급용 한국어 어휘집이다. 국내 9개 대학 부속 한국어 교육기관 및 사설학원 두 곳에서 사용하고 있는 초급(1~2급) 교재의 단어 중에서 3개 이상의 교재에서 출현한 초급 학습자를 위한 필수 단어 2,000여 개를 담았다.




이 책의 구성 및 활용 How to use this book

01 사람 People
1 가족/친척 Family/Relatives
Let’s Check!
2 감정 Emotions
Let’s Check!
3 성격 Personality
Let’s Check!
4 외모 Appearance
Let’s Check!
5 인생 Life
Let’s Check!
6 직업 Occupations
Let’s Check!
7 친구/주변 사람 Friends/Close Aquaintances
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 親 to be close

02 교육 Education
1 교실 용어 Classroom Terms
Let’s Check!
2 수업 Lessons
Let’s Check!
3 시험 Tests
Let’s Check!
4 학교 School
5 학습 도구 School Supplies
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 學 to learn

03 건강 Health
1 병원/약국 Hospital/Pharmacy
Let’s Check!
2 증상/증세 Symptoms/Condition of Illness
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 人 a person

04 식생활 Eating Habits
1 간식 Light Meals
2 과일/채소 Fruits/Vegetables
3 맛 Taste
Let’s Check!
4 식당 Restaurants
5 요리 Cooking
6 음료/차 Beverages/Tea
7 음식 Food
Let’s Check!
8 재료 Ingredients
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 食 to eat

05 일상생활 Everyday Life
1 약속하기 Making an Appointment
Let’s Check!
2 인간관계 Human Relationships
Let’s Check!
3 직장 생활 Office Life
Let’s Check!
4 하루 일과 Daily Work
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 員 a member

06 여가 생활 Leisure
1 여행 Travel
Let’s Check!
2 운동 Exercise
Let’s Check!
3 음악 Music
4 취미 Hobbies
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters 出 to go out

07 날씨 Weather
1 계절 Seasons
2 일기예보 Weather Forecast
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 新 to be new

08 시간 Time
1 날짜 Date
Let’s Check!
2 시간 Time
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 日 a day

09 패션 Fashion
1 미용 Beauty Care
2 소품 Accessories
3 의류 Clothing
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 物 a thing

10 경제활동 Economic Activities
1 가게/시장 Store/Market
Let’s Check!
2 경제 Economy
3 쇼핑 Shopping
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 入 to enter

11 교통/통신 Transportation/Communication
1 길 찾기 Finding the Way
2 방향 Directions
Let’s Check!
3 우편 Mail
4 위치 Locations
5 전화 Telephone
Let’s Check!
6 탈것 Vehicles
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 通 to be connected

12 장소 Places
1 건물 Buildings
2 길 Roads
Let’s Check!
3 도시 Cities
4 동네 Neighborhoods
5 서울 Seoul
Let’s Check!
· Korean through Chinese Characters - 場 a place

13 집/자연 House/Nature
1 동식물 Animals and Plants
2 자연환경 Natural Environment
Let’s Check!
3 전기/전자 제품 Electric/Electronic Appliances
4 집안 Household
5 집안 가구/물건 Household Furniture/Goods
Let’s Check!
6 집안 구조 Structure of the House
7 집안일 Housework
Let’s Check!


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