세종한국어 1A (영문판) [ 개정판] Sejong Korean 1A: English Edition

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Product Overview

In order to be able to flexibly use it in the entire curriculum of the Sejong Institute's standard curriculum, which is pseudo-type, le-type, and poly-type, it has been divided into 'basic textbook' and 'addition activity textbook'. The 'Basic Manual' contains the core content required for the grade, and the 'Plus Activity Manual' contains the Advanced · It contains language knowledge and communication activities that need to be expanded. Through this, it is possible to select and use textbooks according to the characteristics of various learners.


Effective Professors · For learning, the unit structure is differentiated for each stage, and the learning content is also adapted to the teaching and learning content and procedures according to the stage of language development. In particular, we have actively presented various illustrations and visual materials to maximize the interest of learning Korean.


Vivid Korean culture content is placed throughout the textbook so that learners can understand Korean culture from a cross-cultural perspective and ultimately form the right attitude towards their own culture and Korean culture.
In addition to the textbooks, we have developed supplementary materials such as ‘Workbook’, ‘Teacher’s Guide’, ‘Vocabulary, Expression and Grammar’, and PPT for classes so that teachers and learners can utilize the textbooks according to their needs.

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Scope and Sequence
How to Use This Book

입문 Let’s learn Korean
01 Hi, I’m Anna
02 Can I have your phone number?
03 My bag is next to the desk
04 I’m studying Korean
05 I buy bread and milk
06 Give me five apples
07 It begins at seven o’clock
08 Is the weather hot?
09 I took a walk in the park
10 Shall we go to an amusement park together?


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